Sarabi Media

Social Media Management Made Easy

Social media management made easy. We provide small businesses with the tools to improve their online presence and reputation.

The Step by Step Guide to Generating Hundreds of Blog Post Ideas

Today I’m going to show you how to generate hundreds of blog post ideas. I know it’s not always easy to generate new content ideas for your inbound marketing, especially on a rainy Wednesday morning when all you want is a few extra hours of sleep. Instead, you’ve got timelines to adhere to, targets to hit and people within your company counting on you to keep pumping out high-quality content that appeals to your personas and gets noticed, shared and linked to. So what’s a digital marketer to do?

 We’ve done the hard yards to put together a guide on our internal content idea generation process, including links to the various tools that we use. If you follow the instructions and use the tools listed below, you’ll be able to generate dozens of blog post or content asset ideas around your topic of interest that (most importantly!) are what your customers want to hear about, rather than simply what your internal business units/HiPPOs want to talk about. We’ll give you a couple of examples as we walk through the various tactics. 

Whilst going through and finding content ideas, at the same time you should be building your list of influencers. The people releasing popular, shareable, linkable content within your niche are the perfect people to then reach out to when you’re ready to release your ownhigh-quality content to pump up your lead generation and lead nurturing.

Read full article here: 

Article courtesy of Adrian Cordiner.